Thursday, November 04, 2004

The principle of design:From Bauhuas' three colour shapes and William Morris' late medieval influences pattern

Weimar Republic constituted a distinctive cultural period. The Bauhaus' an art school perform an important part of Weimar culture. In one of the reading, Easel painting, architecture and 'Gesamtkunstwerk', it is interesting that one point of William Morris' work (1896 and 1871) and compare with Bauhaus' three basic shapes studying. Bauhaus' three shapes are the basic pattern constitution. And there are some similarities between them.
One of Bauhaus' creation or typical object, is a red square, a blue circle and a yellow triangle. That is a small part of Bauhaus' huge system, however, these three shapes appear to different fine arts domain. For example, Dr. Wichken showed some pictures and theater clothes by using this concern. In the beginning of the photograph selection show, a female clown's clothes decorate with many circles. The small circles are in the middle and little bigger circles around the small one. One of the male clowns is wearing a hat. His arm is totally a triangle shape. His leg is a circle shape. The feature of those works is bright, surprising and exaggerated display. Another example, in the assigned reading, Easel Pinting, Architecture and 'Gesamtkunstwerk', there is one of the artists, William Morris, who is John Ruskin's student. Morris was a talent artist who presents Ruskin's ideas into real pattern with great success.
In the page 81, there are two his works. In this square picture, there is a big letter "L". It starts from the left top and end at the button. And many triangle shape leaves around the "L", the leaves surround it as a half circle shape. In the half circle, there are many flowers with stem and branches. Each flowers' shape include four similar size circle surround a smaller circle in the middle. The image is black and white.
The contrast between those two different works but they are using same idea. The same idea can be use in theater clothes designs and patterns. To apply to own artistic experience, those principles are the main structure of my painting. And it gives me some inspiration, too.


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