Tuesday, November 09, 2004

German phrase and study of Bauhaus

Basic on the week 7's context and lecture, German Language that we learned from Dr. Wickens. That is NEUE SACHLICHKEIT, new objectivity. There is not only a German phrase. The history of that period is also my main interest. There are three stages of the Bauhaus. 1. 1918-1924, revoluation& polictical period. 2. 1924-1929 a kind of good time period. 3.1929-1933 polictical violence came again period. And there are some important artist in that period, such as Hannah Hoch.

And these are basic information of Bauhaus, an art school founded in
1919 by Walter Gropius at Weimar, Germany,
and later moved to Dessau, Berlin,
and Chicago. It develops a functional architecture
based on a correlation between creative design
and modern industry and science.