Saturday, April 02, 2005

The artists couple Posted by Hello

Gates Posted by Hello

The orange gates in NYC Posted by Hello

The gates Posted by Hello

The "Gate" opinion

I checked the f the word Post-Modern, term used do describe the attempt to modify and extend the tradition of MODERNISM in 20th c. architecture with borrowings from the classical tradition, from vernacular building methods and from commercial styles, many of these references are used ironically.The word was first used in an architectural context by Joseph Hudnut in 1949, but given wider circulation by Charles Jencks and his associates and allies from 1975, and much elaborated upon in Jencks’s book, the language of post modern architecture (1997).

Some information about the art “The Gate introduced in the class as an example of Post-Modern art work, surrounded the park with a stone wall, leaving entrances to the park at each interruption in the wall, where a walkway starts, those entrances are called Gates. Many of those gates have names: Mariners Gate; Boys and Girls Gate; Artists Gate; Emigrants Gate; Explorers Gate; Inventors Gate...”

New York artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude to realize their temporary work of art: The Gates, Central Park, New York, 1979-2005.In my personal view, there is no actual date for Post-modernism appear. I want to express some people who are not taking art class, for example, one of my friend, her major is Accounting( completely different), she doesn’t really understand what is the GATE mean and even Post-modernism when I show her the works.

The artwork appears in the gallery, then some art history expert will discuss about that. How about other people in society? Fine Art is something not for most people, is not like applied arts. The terms of art is organized by people and make a name for it then teach in the school. In my friend’s opinion, THE GATE is likely a public architecture and plus modern style. But she doesn’t consider as Post-modern product. What I simply explain to her that is, PM can express as Anti-foundation, like artist destroy the ‘old’ and build up own ‘new’ ideas.